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Your most frequently asked questions

What payment methods are available?
Payment by credit card, Paypal, Apple Pay. OAX surf has put in place all the necessary measures to ensure that your payment is 100% secure on our platform. We have HTTPS certificates as well as the SSL protocol which ensures secure payment and protected data.

Why can't I open my notice?
If you encounter a problem when opening your notice, it is undoubtedly because you do not have software allowing you to open a PDF document. You can easily and free download Adobe Acrobat Reader

How to contact OAX surfing?
For any other questions, you can easily contact us by visiting our contact page. The entire OAX team is wet to answer you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is frequently asked questions?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

What is frequently asked questions?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

What is frequently asked questions?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.